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We are here to help

As Mental Health Clinicians, our role is to help guide you or your family in taking steps towards Positive life changes. Together we’ll identify the things that are roadblocks for you as an individual or family right now. We help you develop a clear plan of action for overcoming the challenges you’re facing, and support you as you dig deeper to understand how to transform your thoughts and kickstart the kind of thinking that Impacts a Positive change that fulfills and motivates you daily. We work directly with individuals or within a family group setting.


The truth is, you really CAN make the kinds of changes you envision for yourself, and the steps toward a healthy, focused mind starts small. Just one drop to cause a ripple of positivity. There’s no magic formula, but with the right guide and a commitment to persevere, you’ll be on your way to making a positive and impactful change to your mental health and physical wellbeing.

Start your journey towards a positive life and state of mind!




Marriage & Family therapy - this is one of our core mental health services and is based on studies that show mental illness and family problems are best treated in a family context. We treat couples and families facing a wide variety of challenges.



Our adolescent services clinicians work with families and their children 12 and older to evaluate and assess the level of care that best meets their needs and challenges.


Depression / Anger Management

There are several options for treating depression and anger management. Our clinicians provide a combination of psychotherapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy according to requirements.

Positive Impact offers sliding scale fees. We won't turn you away for inability to pay.

Contact us to schedule your first consultation


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Treatment begins with a confidential assessment by a qualified clinician. Please fill out the contact form or call 866-272-5130 to discuss further. If this is an emergency, please dial 911.

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